Monday, February 12, 2018


Man I smell right now. 

We left the boat this morning, or yesterday morning I guess, at 830 and went directly to the laundromat to wash up before the next leg of the trip. As far as laundromats go it was actually really nice, the whole thing was an open garage so it had a nice breeze going the whole time and the people inside were pretty friendly. After that was all done we decided to kill time by walking towards the airport thinking that there'd be lots of stops along the way for coffee, lunch and the all to rare wifi hotspot but there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. 
After walking for an hour or so  and working up a sweat, we finally found a cafe and stoped for a rest. Were both totally fine with walking all day but considering just how boring the scenery was we decided to go see a movie to kill some time. After that we sat around some more and then headed to the airport.

We paid an extra 200 to have upgraded seats for our Miami to Zurich and Zurich to Tokyo flights but due to some kind of error nothing was actually upgraded and we're stuck in cattle class with no power outlets to charge our stuff. As I write this were still 4 hours out and I'm bored to death with the in-flight entertainment. Theses screens are in SD people, that's STANDARD DEFINITION. Uhg. I'm also starting to smell like a goat, so that's great. 

You sure learn a lot in the first week of travel. Bring your universal adapter to change stuff, heavy stuff goes at the top of the pack and not the bottom, wetwipes and deodorant goes in the carry-on, make sure Spotify hasn't magically deleted all your music again...

Anyways, that's enough for now gonna try to sleep while I stink up the plane. 


It's about 430am by my clock and I've been up for almost a day now.
We're flying into the sunrise and the horizon looks like a giant blue wall that stretches 10,000 feet high and for as far as as I can see. The thin strip of red light wedged between the sky and the earth looks like a vast long forest fire. You can see for so far that it almost looks like you can almost see the slightest curve of the earth it's self. 
I've wanted to travel for so long that I guess I just got comfortable with the idea that it might not actually happen. It's easy to get bogged down in the day to day, But we made our plans, we saved, we prepared. And now were here. Charlie and me, were finally here. This is the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen. 

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