Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Pics From Vietnam

Charlie and I decided to skip the overnight bus from Vientiane to Hanoi after reading a few scathing reviews online (apparently tourists buses are a favored way to smuggling goods, we thought it'd be best to avoid any boarder issues,) and took a quick flight instead. 
Hanoi is bat-sh*t crazy. It's loud, the air quality is terrible, the traffic is absolute mayhem and someone tried to take my shoe at one point. However, with that all being said, Hanoi is one of my favorite places so far. The whole vibe of the city is has a great vibe and there's no shortage of good food to try. We checked out a water puppet show (they charge extra for pictures so I didn't take any,) went to a prison museum, the war museum, at lots of the aforementioned great food and we also took a trip out to Halong bay. 

As I write this were on a sleeper train to Da Nang... it's... well lets just say the beds leave much to be desired but its a really cool way to get around none-the less. 

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