(Note: this post contains some NSFW items)
After Hoi An Charlie and I took a night bus to a beach hostel called Ninhvana which is about two hours outside of Nha Trang. The bus ride was a bit harsh because just like most things in SE Asia, everything is built with people much shorter than me in mind and I totally didn't fit in the bed. The ride also got off to a rough start due to the obnoxiously rude passengers in the back. "WOTS THE WIFI PASSWOOOOOORD" rang out from the back of the bus constantly for the first 20 minutes (I guess at that point they figured that the bus didn't actually have any wifi.) Hind sight is 20/20 because I had a great idea to create a hotspot with my phone and make the network name "The wifi password is 'kindly shut the hell up" 5 minutes after we got off the bus.
Our bus dropped us off at 4:30 near a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Waiting on the side of a Vietnamese highway would have been worrisome but there was ~10 other people waiting with us, so we felt pretty safe. Unfortunately, "WOTS THE WIFI" was with us and some crazy old lady wouldn't stop talking to me. She eventually lost interest and left me alone (woohoo!). Eventually the connecting bus came to collect us and we drove the for a hour along the coast and arrived at the hostel just after sun rise. This trip has really fostered a deep love of watching sunrises in me. There's nothing quite like watching a sunrise.
For our accommodations we splurged again and got a private bungalow. It sounded pretty cool online but holy crap, this place was amazing. It was clean, had good water pressure, was right beside the ocean and far away from the main party area. We checked in and tended to our creature-comforts.
The view from our room |
As I'm sure you can imagine, after being on a bus for about 12 hours I needed a bit of time in the bathroom. So I went and did what needed doing and proceeded to flush the toilet. After doing so, I politely exclaimed "AHHHHHHHHH, WHAT THE F***, WHAT THE F*** WAS THAT???!!!!" A giant frog (who I assume at this point was now eternally traumatized,) LEAPED out of the toilet and clambered behind a shelf. I'd say that it scared the crap out me but... yeah... you get the joke. Anyways, in honor of John Dunsworth we named him Kermit the Shit frog. We spent the rest of the day enjoying the weather, chatting, enjoying beers and food. There was also a easter egg hunt and a pig roast but we didn't find any eggs and the pork made me pretty sick.

On the second day we relaxed all morning and went for one of the group hikes in the afternoon. The hike was a short-ish walk up the road followed by a slightly longer climb up the side of one of the mountains to a waterfall. When we reached the top a couple of guys were peacocking pretty hard for WOTS THE WIFI. First was a push-up completion between two guys who were vying for her attention. I think one of them did 50 push-ups but the terrain was a bit uneven, so charlie and I suggested a "best two out of three" completion and suggested they do a plank completion next. The winner of the pushups won again and the winner walked over to WOTS THE wifi, flexed his abs as hard as he could and said "common, y'now y'wanna touch these baaad boyz." I'm a terrible writer, but believe me, it was one of the funniest things that happened on the trip.